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1936 - Sixty Years in the Society
My years in the Society have been the happiest I can imagine as I have tried to do God's will according to the spirit of Ignatius. He has more than repaid me for my poor efforts. Over the years, giving the Spiritual Exercises, I never tired of telling people that God wants us to be happy in eternity and on this side of heaven. The price is the acceptance of God's will in our lives.

Name of Jesus: Its Power in Our Lives, The
Our reflections are on the name of Jesus, its power in our lives. Whoever enters on the path of sanctity must keep his focus clear. What are we doing? Whom are we following? How are we to act? Why are we acting as we are? All of these questions can be answered in one word: Jesus.

National Council Considers Religion and Public Education
The main area of religious education which the conference analyzed was the basic question of whether and what kind of theological commitment is permitted for the public school. Most of the delegates were opposed to having the schools openly declare themselves committed to a theistic position which recognizes a personal God and the derivative moral law. They felt that generally speaking such commitment already exists as an expression of the private conviction of the teachers and school administrators. A vocal minority at the conference argued (unsuccessfully) against any theistic commitment, in theory or practice, on the principle that public education belongs to the state which by definition should have nothing to do with religion.

National Council of Churches
A federation of Protestant, Orthodox, and National Catholic churches in the United States, the National Council of Churches was organized in 1950. The Federal Council of Churches and a number of specialized agencies had resulted from almost a century of effort toward the unification of the Christian churches in America. All these were combined into one federation, which is known as the National Council of Churches.

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
A federation of Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, and National Catholic Churches affiliated with the World Council of Churches. Its membership (reported as 40,605,228 communicants in 1964) represents about two-thirds of the total Christian church population in the U.S. that is not Roman Catholic.

Necessity of the Catholic Priesthood, The
Our present conference is on the necessity of the Catholic priesthood…Necessary to carry on the work of Christ's redemption, necessary not just for the well-being but for the continued existence of the Catholic Church, necessary for the corresponding existence of and well-being of Christianity. And in what we may miss, most surprising, necessary for the moral survival of the human race.

Need for Religious Instruction in America Today, The
Most people do not realize how secularized our nation has become. By secularized, I mean a society in which practical atheism is rapidly determining our national culture.…In order to appreciate how deeply our country has been dechristianized, we have only to look at the widespread legalization of every major sin against Christian morality.

Nestorianism, a fifth-century heresy which held there were two distinct persons in the Incarnate Christ, one human and the other divine, as against the orthodox teaching that Christ was a divine person who assumed a human nature. The name is taken from Nestorius, a leading exponent of the heresy, whose views were condemned by the Council of Ephesus in 431.

New Age Movement - Q&A Session
Questions given to Fr. Hardon by the Missionaires of Charity sisters on the: New Age Movement, Good News Bible, Religious Celibacy, World Tribulations, Guardian Angel, Sin and Charity, Loss of Peace, Divorce, Obedience, Self-Knowledge, Gift of Counsel, Baptism of Children.

New Challenges to Catholic Home Education
Catholic parents are now being faced with new challenges to the home-schooling of their children. These challenges arise especially from four sources: the increased pressure from Planned Parenthood for sex education; the acknowledgement by many American bishops of the poor quality of religious instruction in catechetical programs; the mandating by many dioceses of stringent conditions for Catholic home instruction; and the growing pressure of homosexuals to impose their sodomistic philosophy on our country.

New Spirit of Protestantism, The
A new spirit has entered the body of American and world Protestantism. For the first time since the Reformation, leaders in every denomination are deeply concerned about their cleavage in doctrine, worship, and practice and are seriously trying to heal what they brand as the sin of disunity. Their success in the past fifty years has been remarkable. The only risk for Catholics is to be unaware of this "working of the Holy Spirit," as Pius XII called it, and therefore not respond to its implications for those who possess the fullness of revelation.

New Thought
A movement embracing any form of modern belief in the practice of mental healing other than those associated with traditional Christianity. The name came into vogue in 1895 and was used as the title of a magazine published for a time in Melrose, Mass., to describe a “new thought” about life, based on the premise that knowledge of the real world of ideas has marvelous power to relieve people of various ills.

Newsletters: The Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association

Next Century, The
The reason behind this massive breakdown of Roman Catholicism is due to the organized opposition to the Catholic Church in our nation. So many Catholics have become accustomed to this breakdown of their faith they are no longer surprised at the dechristianization of the one true Church in our nation. What we desperately need is an organized, I do not hesitate saying militant, zeal on the part of believing Catholics to convert non-Catholics to the true Church founded by Jesus Christ.

No Eucharist Without the Priesthood
Among the maxims of Pope John XXIII was the exclamation of St. Augustine, "O wonderful the dignity of priests; in whose hands the Son of God is made flesh as in the womb of the Virgin."

No Wonder They Call It the Real Presence (Lives Changed by Christ in Eucharistic Adoration)
An excerpt from the book by David Pearson, features editor of the National Catholic Register.

Originally, nonconformity meant refusal to conform to the doctrines, policy, or discipline of the Established Church of England. Thus both Catholics and Protestants were nonconformists. They were variously called recusants, separatists, and dissenters, to emphasize their failure to agree with the teachings and practice of the Anglican Communion. At the present time, however, the term is applied only to Protestants in England and Wales.

North American Martyrs
Our reflections for this afternoon are on the North American Martyrs. That's the Church's official name, either the Martyrs of North America or the North American Martyrs and they were all members of the Society of Jesus. There were eight of them. It might be well to know who they were, or in Heaven, who they are.

Notes from the Decree on the Means of Social Communication
It is the Church's birthright to use and own any of these media which are necessary to useful for the formation of Christians and for pastoral activity. #3 It is essential that all those involved should form a correct conscience on the use of the media, especially with regard to certain issues, which are particularly controversial today. #5 …the content of the communication be true and—within the limits set by justice and charity—complete. Further, it should be communicated honestly and properly. #5


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